One of the many reasons I am a member of the American Society for Microbiology is their dedication not only to excellent science, but science communication and public policy. “Microbes After Hours” is one of their fabulous science communication events. Since 2012, the ASM headquarters in Washington, DC has opened its doors to anyone interested in microbiology for talks, appetizers, and some microbially-fermented beverages. For those who can’t make it to DC, the talks are live streamed through ASM’s MicrobeWorld site. Speakers even take questions via email and twitter at the end of the talk. Fortunately, my mama-scientist, microbe-road trip friend, Robin Munroe, and I made it down in person to the January 28, 2016 Microbes After Hours that featured Dr. Marti Blaser talking about his research and book, Missing Microbes. Read more about his book in this previous post. I was thrilled to finally get my copy of his book signed!


Below is our journey in photos compliments of Robin! She also live-tweeted our trip. For future adventures – follow me on Twitter @mostlymicrobes.

Microbes After Hours

Microbes After Hours
Reminders of Blizzard Jonas remain at the Washington Monument.
Microbes After Hours
Anne at the American Society of Microbiology headquarters in D.C.
Microbes After Hours
Getting my Missing Microbes book signed!
Microbes After Hours
Introduction by ASM Science Communications Director Erika Shugart.
Microbes After Hours
Anne asking about the differences in the mouse microbiome response to the two antibiotics used.
Microbes After Hours
Anne and Robin – Science Mama’s on another microbe inspired road trip

Do you have questions about this or Dr. Blaser’s book? Anything else microbe related?

Feel free to ask in the comments section below, fill out a comment form through my “Contact me” form, or send an email to mostlymicrobes at gmail dot com.

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